Monday, November 18, 2013

The Queen is 5!

Today is bugs 5th birthday! Yep... 5! Five years ago at this moment I was being admitted into the hospital after being in labor all night and all that day. At 7:40pm out popped Kyleigh Lynn at 5lb 14oz and 18in long. My girlfriend is now 44in tall and 45lbs. Love her!

So this weekend we decided to go to the store and buy things to make cupcakes for her class today. So we got 2 boxes of cake mix and food coloring and made neon pink and green cupcakes with purple frosting. As we are walking out of the store I realized I forgot something...Here is how Kyleigh interpreted what I said

Me: Crap! I forgot vegetable oil for your cupcakes
Kyleigh: Huh? I dont want vegetables in my cupcakes thats gross!
Me: (laughing hysterically) NO! Its not veggies like you think, it helps it cook better
Kyleigh: I dont care! STOP LAU---GH---INNNNGGG ATTTT MMMMEEE!!!!! (in a yelling voice)

HaHa. She actually thought I meant I was going to cook vegetables into her cupcakes! Only my child. The things they come up with. I have been trying to participate in her hilarious conversations and blog them only because I just have to remember this stuff. Its too hilarious!

So its 3:34 on her birthday which means I have an hour and 26 mins before it is time to go home. Kyleigh is going to be too excited when she sees what the birthday fairy brought her!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Behavioral Health Setback

For the most part I cannot complain about my daughter. But her behavior is starting to concern me, not only last week did she break my little dogs leg, but today she was punching and kicking my big dog. Im quite concerned. I have an appointment with her pediatrician Monday morning to find out what is going on. Needless to say it is getting to be a concern for me.

I understand that nobody is perfect and we ALL have out faults, and bad features..But hitting a dog and breaking its leg? Really? My Mom thinks it is a phase she is going thru, but I think it goes a little deeper. I try to provide a well rounded home for her, but I dont (I wont lie). My boyfriend and I are by no means perfect however we are not violent towards each other and we do not fight in front of our kids. I never grew up seeing my parents argue - even thru their divorce I NEVER witnessed it, and even now 26 yrs later still have yet to see them fight. So I do not know what that is like.

I have been doing some research this afternoon about this and what I am finding is that it is learned behavior. Will (my BF) tells me that her Dad is like that so Kyleigh will be like that. No Justin (Kys Dad) is like that because all his parents did was argue growing up. Its learned behavior. I didnt get my degree in Psychology because I was a dummy.


I will keep everyone posted on our journey thru this with hopes of a steady answer.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kids and their phrases

My daughter is a total Diva - as if you didnt already comprehend that!

Here is our conversation post trick or treating

Kyleigh: I feel like a maniac
Me: and why do you feel like a maniac?
Kyleigh: all that candy them tricker things made me a maniac
Me: oh yea?
Kyleigh: I need to read a book and relax
**She cant read by the way**
Me: you can read now?
Kyleigh: Yes, this book says "my mom has the biggest toe nail ever"
**my toes are pedicured on a regular basis**
Me: what?
Kyleigh: u need to fix that
She runs away giggling - I am left speechless!