Saturday, September 6, 2014

So School Started...

Oh Kyleigh started kindergarten....Not much more to say! LOL. She loves it but I'm a wreck.

First off lets go week by week, we are 3 weeks in now!

Week 1
The first day was excited but for me emotional. She got right on the bus like a big girl and never looked back. She turned around and said "Bye Mom!" Well that was the beginning, I got to meet her at school that morning - and she was surprised to see me in her classroom and she was sort of mad at me for coming because she told me she was a big girl and didn't need me. As a Mom, totally went back to my car crying!
Week 2
The teachers sort of hit the ground running. Week one was totally a fun week for the kids and they colored, created collages, and really got to play around to get to know one another. Week 2 Kyleigh came home with homework that I had to read twice (yes a college educated ADULT had to read a kindergarten school work twice!)
Week 3
The lunch line is proving to be Kyleighs favorite time - BUT I have since regulated that she cannot have snack but only what they serve as a meal. Upon finding this out you would have thought someone told her she would never eat again! We all know how my kid fights to eat! Oh well, challenge accepted!

So kindergarten all in all is becoming a success and Kyleigh seems to be thriving in her environment. She enjoys times with her friends, teachers, and the action packed day she has. As a Mom Im loving this kindergarten thing because by 7:30pm my child is knocked out somewhere!

All for now!


One crazy kids Mommy!

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