Friday, October 18, 2013

When kids get excited...

Do they jump up and down?


If you are blessed to have a wonderful, fun loving, Divalicious daughter like mine...She wakes me up at a God awful time of the morning to tell me shes going on vacation! For about 6 months my parents have had it planned that they take my daughter on vacation to a resort in Orlando in October. The first thing my Mom does is tell my daughter (yes, 6 months ahead of time), so I have 6 months to hear about how vacation is coming, and we are going to "Mouse House" etc. So the time has came (today) for my daughter to go on "cation" with my parents to "Lando." My daughter is usually up by 6:30-6:45 on school mornings. This morning was an exception...


Here comes my child completely excited about "cation." This was the convo we had at 4:45 this morning

Kyleigh: Mommy Mommy WAKE UP (shaking me)
Mommy: Kyleigh Lynn, really?
Kyleigh: Im going on cation today wake up and braid my hair
Mommy: Kyleigh it is 4:45 in the morning we have 2 hrs to sleep
Kyleigh: But Mommy...
fastword 30 seconds...and Dad becomes involved!
Daddy: Kyleigh go to bed it is NOT time to get up
Kyleigh: ooooo no cation
Mommy: No your going on vacation alright...Right to your bed
Kyleigh: whatever, you never let me party
Daddy: Kyleigh....

She runs off! 

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