So this weekend we decided to go to the store and buy things to make cupcakes for her class today. So we got 2 boxes of cake mix and food coloring and made neon pink and green cupcakes with purple frosting. As we are walking out of the store I realized I forgot something...Here is how Kyleigh interpreted what I said
Me: Crap! I forgot vegetable oil for your cupcakes
Kyleigh: Huh? I dont want vegetables in my cupcakes thats gross!
Me: (laughing hysterically) NO! Its not veggies like you think, it helps it cook better
Kyleigh: I dont care! STOP LAU---GH---INNNNGGG ATTTT MMMMEEE!!!!! (in a yelling voice)
HaHa. She actually thought I meant I was going to cook vegetables into her cupcakes! Only my child. The things they come up with. I have been trying to participate in her hilarious conversations and blog them only because I just have to remember this stuff. Its too hilarious!
So its 3:34 on her birthday which means I have an hour and 26 mins before it is time to go home. Kyleigh is going to be too excited when she sees what the birthday fairy brought her!